Query to DataRowXXX

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Query to DataRowXXX

Příspěvekod andesys » stř 19. říj 2016 21:08:22

(Translated from another language)
Can I use in an ObjectGears query a table directly from the database (DataRowXXX)?
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Registrován: úte 25. srp 2015 10:55:14

Re: Query to DataRowXXX

Příspěvekod andesys » stř 19. říj 2016 21:12:56

Yes, you can use directly also table name from the database in an ObjectGears query. There is the disadvantage that the query will not be easily transferable to another ObjectGears instance, because the class may have another ID there. So, you can have issues when moving the query from the development instance to the test and production.
Using DataRow table names is not a recommended approach.
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Příspěvky: 103
Registrován: úte 25. srp 2015 10:55:14

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